Monday, November 15, 2010


I watched TOY STORY 3 YESTERDAY~ It was nonetheless, AWESOME , as predicted. I know its a bit late to go on about this movie, but ive always been a late movie-watcher. SAPE SURUH MAMA LETAK ILAH KAT ASRAMA :D Tapi if i wasnt in asrama, i would still watch a movie real late. ITS THE FAMILY'S STYLEE YO. Anyway, this story made me cry :'( It was soooo sad. The part where all the toys held hands, accepting the fate that they were all gonna die. But they knew they had each other. The part where Andy realized he still loved his toys. AND I BROKE DOWN. Right there on the sofa in front of my TV. SO WHAT if it was embarrassing, i was alone :P

actually, i have nothing to say except that :O You should know by know that i tend to let out something particularly silly, at times. Thats what blogs are for anyway. Cheers ;D

miaow :D