Wednesday, March 2, 2011


And there goes the first exam for the year. As expected, KH was tough shit. Nak buat camane , dah tak mahir hidup -.- Currently all Im thinking about sekarang is nak baliiiiiiik. Sumpah homesick gila. I miss people back home. ISH.

One more thing thats bothering me is band. No, I am not going to emoemo pasal band blablabla. Its just that I takot i tak boleh improve in flute. :( this is such an emo post. argh.

Monday, January 24, 2011


HEYYA, neglected blog :D Alasan tak blog adalah either sangat busy, tak de time or just plain malas. Currently, I tengah homesick :'( Its weird that the sickness lagi teruk as u get older. GAH CEPAT LA CNY,NAK BALIK.
Sekarang waktu sivik, buat some work about what my career is going to be. I didntknow that being an architect is so hard -__-' I tak nak la grow up macam ni. Grown up life sounds hard, en? I wanna stay around this age forever, just like peterpan boleh tak?

But sadly, bak kate mak Anis Suhanna Nasir Khan
"Dream on"

Ish balik rumah ni nak makan cendol. Im still confused whether u drink cendol or eat it? Ignore the question.

OKOK, dah bye.